Friday, May 15, 2015


Here is the latest on my garden.  I took these pictures a week ago and my tomatoes are now quite a bit bigger they also have a few blossoms, along with many of my plants. 

Salsa garden plus one giant cabbage plant. 

This is now a quarter of a size bigger and flowers are starting to form.
Cherry tomatoes to the rear.  My friend gave me one of her zucchini plants and it is doing well, but it is now looking like my cucumber plant.  So I think it is a cucumber.  Off to the right is one of my watermelon plants.  I hope it works.  I never could get watermelons to grow in Utah.
I can't forget my sunflowers up in a corner.
The boys are anxiously awaiting this strawberry to form.
Peas in the making
Baby grapes

My peas are bigger then I have ever gotten peas to grow.  These are my second plantings of radishes.


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