Sunday, June 12, 2011

WARNING for parents of little boys!!!

With my experience of being a mother of two little boys, I have found that they both love to stick things in their pockets; rocks, paperclips, anything found interesting that they think mom won't let them take home that they find on the ground.
It now has become habit. Well, I didn't check the pockets of a pair of cream colored shorts that were put into the washing machine and then into the dryer. A green crayon ruined an entire load of whites. Everything looked a lot like this shirt. Yeah! Off to the store with two boys in tow. They got new church shirts and I got a few new shirts to wear. Wow! Life with boys is sure never a dull moment.
It has been unusually hot here for this time of year and last week the boys invited a friend to come over to play in the sprinklers