Since I've last posted, I have gotten busy! I have boughten curtains for all of the bedrooms in our house. Brandon and my bedroom was the only one that didn't have to be altered. Now we all have very dark bedrooms. Yay! And I din't even come close to the $400-500 dollars that the Korean curtain guy quoted me. I found some curtain tracks at a local store called Home Plus and it is Koreas version of WalMart just a little more expensive. The tracks were very cheap and so I bought them hoping I culd get everything to work. It did! Yay! My Korean frind Jin took me to a traditional Korean Market called Seumoon (su-moon)wow did we have a blast! I was able to try a lot of different types of Korean food most pretty good. Especially a Korean pancake called Ha Tu (don't know how to spell it). They put the dough into a ball and then put a mixture of brown sugar, sugar, cinnamon and peanuts inside then flatten it and fry it on a skillet like we would in America. Can I say that is by far my favorite treat tha I have had here so far. Yum!
I have been wanting to reapolster my kitchen chairs for a few yeas now, and found some fabric back in NC that I just loved. But decided that we were going to be moving to one of the largest textile places in the world and waited until we got here. I hadn't found exactly what I wanted and then found a cute little lady in a market who tried very hard to cut me a deal and I bought enough fabric to cover 5 chairs. One chair got broken in the move. I bought this fabric for $15. And even though it wasn't exactly what I wanted, I thought that it would work with the chairs and the wallpaper that our landords have in the kitchen and if I really didn't like it, I could find something else because I wasn't out much money. I love how they turned out. Thank you Tracy for telling me how to do it myself. It was very easy.
Brandon has now decided to buy me a sewing machine so that I can start to get busy here with all of the fun fabrics here. Watch out! I may post some of my creations afer I learn how to use the sewing machine.
Since our last post Isaiah has lost two more teeth. So I thought that I would post at how cute he now looks. His bottom tooth came out on its own, but while were into the dentist yesterday the Dr. told us that he could pull it out and give an examination and exrays to Isaiah for $20 and so we let him pull it out. Kind of hurt. The Dr. said that numbing the tooth would hurt more than the actual pulling of the tooth out. Isaiah had no idea what was going on until it was out. I'm not sure if he will want to go back! But he was sure happy to have something to show the Tooth Fairy. We had to talk the dentist into letting us have the tooth. My friend had to come because none of the staff spoke much English. She told us that it is a Korean law that if the Dr. take anything out of a body including teeth they are to dispose of them. But he also understood that the American's have a tradition that they do with their teeth and he told us that he would allow this just this one time for us. So, is our dentist now a criminal? We don't know but are so gretful to have had him.