Saturday, May 4, 2013

Smart kid, a play and a new belt

Braxton has been very busy the past few weeks. He tested for another belt this past week and was required to perform a jumping snap kick to break a board. Wow, were we very impressed with his skills. He is now a blue belt and earned a silver medal from his instructor Master Song because his confidence has greatly improved. He just recently recieved three awards at our schools awards assembly this past term. He was on the principal's honor roll for the third time this year(which means all A's), perfect attendance and a citizenship award which is awarded by the teacher. Wahoo!!! Way to go! Then last Friday night Braxton was in a play called Wackadoo and he was a professor trying to tame crazy animals. He is turning out to be such a responsible boy and continues to amaze us. He has started getting up on his own every morning at 5:30am gets in the shower, makes his own breakfast and if he has time, he completes most of his daily homework. Sometimes he even goes outside before getting in the shower to run around our little apartment walking trail. I have even come to his piano lessons and found him completeing homework while he is waiting for me to come and pick him up. We are so proud of the choices that he is making to improve himself. It is fun to see that he cares about his learning and is always wanting to make sure that he continuallly is performing at his best. He has recently been asked if he would like to have a summer job. Wow, I have a working kid as well! There was a Korean woman who stopped me yesterdayy opn the street who wanted me to toutor her 12 month old baby. Yes, her baby. It is very important here for their children to learn English. I told her that I thought that a teen ager or an older Elementary child would be perfect for the job and Braxton wanted to do that as well, but we'll have to see about that. But it looks like he is going be a busy boy this summer with a half day summer math and science enrichment class offered at the school, his summer job or possibly two along with piano and TaeKwon Do and mom wants to add swimming lessons in there as well. Hope he has time to be a kid. Well, over the summer Braxton is limited to an hour of reading per day because any other free time he gets to spend outside and playing. He struggles with this rule, but for me it is important to have him getting to release his energy and forget about being responsible sometimes. We love this kid and wouldn't change him in any way. He amazes us every day and continually is an example to our family.


  1. Way to go Braxton! What a handsome, good kid he's growing up to be!

  2. What a great post! Your boys are growing up so quick! Remember when we met you guys and Isaiah was a tiny kid running around!!??? I'm impressed with how responsible Braxton is too after hearing what he's accomplishing! Way to go, boys!

    How much longer will you be in Korea? I love to read about your adventures!!! We would love to see you guys sometime. I don't know if that's possible in the near future but at least we have blogs to stay connected for now. Any chance that Brandon will have a training in San Antonio sometime? :) Love ya!
