Thursday, November 22, 2012

Star Kid!!!

Braxton was awarded the Principal's Honor Roll Award this past week. He was under the impression that he was getting an award for his grades and didn't quite know what he was getting. They had called all of the Honor Roll kids (A's and B's) from the fourth grade and hadn't called Braxton's name. He was getting very worried and you can see it in the first picture. He was worried that they had just forgotten about him until after the fifth grade Honor Roll kids they then talked about how each of these students they were about to call had gotten all A's on their report card and so he has an extra special honor. We are so proud of him and all that he is working so hard on in school. His teacher has really helped him to grow and develop these past few years. He has had the same teacher since we have been here and she is so willing to work with his need and his special talents. Yay us! We don't know what we will do next year when she doesn't move up with him. But I bet we'll manage!


  1. Congratulations Braxton. We are so proud of you..

  2. That is awesome! Tell Braxton we are so proud if him!!
