Saturday, June 23, 2012

This week's dates!

This week Isaiah and I were able to have mommy and son time while Brandon and Braxton were out to scout camp. We had a blast! Isaiah was a wonderful date. He was such a good kid and it made it very fun to be able to take him out. He took me to get my hair done and clothing shopping on our first day out. He didn't complain and even got a treat and to the library for a few books to read and a few videos because he was so good. He even got to help the hairstylist blow dry my hair which he loves to do anyway. Day two we went took the subway downtown picked up a craft to work on, saw Madagascar 3 in English (Yay!), went out to eat at Isaiah's favorite restaurant Pasta Buono, and to top it all off to McDs for an ice cream cone. The last day of our dates we spent up in Ap'san Mountain. We took the cable car to the top and back to see Daegu city in it's entirety. It has been getting hot, hot, hot here and the humidity is pretty unbearable, so we had a quick picnic and started to head home when we found some school children having a field trip and looking for things in the water. So yes, we just had to find out what was going on and because Isaiah is still pretty cute to the Koreans and he is American he was allowed to join in the fun. The kids were floating boats that they had made from bamboo leaves and finding little critters in the water. They kept trying to tell us what each thing was but we still weren't able to find out what they were from lack of understanding. But we saw leach type things, tadpoles and crawfish which they called lobsters. But what a fun day it was. He and I had some great bonding and that was the important thing. Sorry about a lot of the pictures. I had borrowed Braxton's camera because Brandon had mine camping and some of the pictures came out sideways.

Took the picture too late the noodles come out looking like a volcano. Yum!

Cable car ride up to the top of Ap'san Mountain

Looking out at Daegu. Behind Isaiah to the right you can see orange roofs behind apartment buildings. That is Camp Walker and around them it's golf course. Woot! Woot! We can identify one thing in the picture.

Love locks!

Bugs in the ears!!!

Leaf boat

Crawfish aka "Lobster"

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