Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas Vacation 2008

Christmas 2008 has been great but different being away from our family and friends. We've had fun making new friends in our church, apartment community, and the the Army Fellows program that I'm in. The Christmas Season for us has been great from attentending Christmas parties, holiday shopping, and most of all spending time as a family putting up Christmas decorations, and experiencing our holiday traditions.

The following website you can go to and view and order pictures from Christmas and our recent vacation to San Antonio and Houston Texas:


  1. I love this video! I sure miss you, Dana, and the handsome fellas! They are such good boys! :) Miss you guys!

  2. Hey Brandon and Dana, your boys aer AWESOME! We miss you guys! This thing is pretty cool. I cruised around your little blog for a while, ferreting out all the info. I can't believe how big they are. My kids are all stunted or something (like their dad is a runt).
