We had VIP seats and the works. The moment we sat down we had drinks in front of us (unfortunately it was coffee). Then we were were given two coupons for a free large bucket of chicken. Spicy! And yes we are getting used to the spicy stuff here and we are liking it. After the game one of the Korean teammate's wife told us that the chicken comes not spicy too. We just laugh because we don't know and no one asks because I don't think that they know how to ask, and it is just normal for us. I now know what it is like for the immigrants who have moved to my country not knowing a thing and trying to survive. It just becomes pretty humorous and we just try to go with the flow, we never know what we are going to be getting even when we are told that it isn't spicy.
It was pretty interesting to see how another country watches the games. They have these big clapper things and pound them all night long. Our seats were great too. Braxton and Brandon had front row tables just off from home plate. and Isaiah and I were right behind. Unfortunately the Lion's lost this game, and it was hard to tell what the score was because we couldn't read the sign and if you weren't paying attention after they scored you never knew who's score you were looking at. I was good just to figure out where the strike, out and ball numbers were.
The boys even scored with a signed ball from Mitch and his friend Brian Gordon who is also another pitcher on the Lion's team. Fun night! Nice way to start our holiday weekend!