Saturday, September 18, 2010

Soccer, soccer, soccer!!

Today Isaiah had his first soccer game. He was pretty aggressive out on the field and scored the first goal. By the end of the game Isaiah kept walking off the field telling me that the kids keep taking the ball away from him (his own teammates). He said that soccer is a very hard game to play. But we had a blast watching him go for it. We think his coach was very impressed too. Braxton also had a game at the same time so mom and dad had to alternate who got to watch who. Braxton played goalie at first and it took mom a while to figure out where he was. When he finally got to get out of the goal box, he rocked things up a little. His coach came up to me after words and told me that a few times he told her that he was ready to sit on the bench and then after a few minutes of resting was ready to get out there and beat the field up. Way to go boys! We are so proud of you! You both ROCK!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Brandon

Brandon's birthday was today, however we celebrated it on Monday. It was about the only time this week that we didn't have fifty million things to do. We grilled hamburgers and watched a movie. The boys had a blast making pictures to give Brandon to show him how much they love him. We love you Brandon!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Preschool Time is Here!

Isaiah started his first official day of preschool this morning. Wow, is he already old enough to start to go to school on his own? He attends school at a local Baptist church, and his teacher's name is Miss Alison who is from New Zealand. He had so much fun! He said that he didn't make any new friends today but next time he will make some. I was also informed that my snacks aren't as good as the snacks that they have there (cookies, pretzels and apple juice). He feels so grown up and feels just like Braxton because his school also has a recess and in good weather they get to go out to the playground. And the good news is that he stayed on green today with his behavior. I am feeling a little giddy getting to have three hours three days a week to myself. What will I do with all of my time?